Why Do I Write??

A blog that collects my random thoughts and actions as I negotiate the world of a single woman living alone in a metropolis. I enjoy the aesthetics of quotidian things, and my interests range from sublime to trite. Welcome!!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Packed Day ..empty mind

I packed the day full. First two days of the week are like that. I have the tendency to hit the week with a punch and then fizzle for the rest of it.Too bad. It does me good to get out and about. But that’s not the issue I have ..what did I add to my day??

uhm ..nothing

I went out for lunch with my team. I had a really good time.Isn't it interesting how when we think we look good, we are in good moods? I know for me, when I'm having a fat day or a bad hair day, I'm not usually in a good mood. But I saw the mirror and realized that I wasn’t facing any of those issues, so I was feeling pretty good about myself.Interesting too, how it takes to pass one's own critical eye test to put one in a good mood. I can't just feel pretty and be in a good mood. I have to know it. That's my self-esteem issue creaping in…so i shall STOP

Rest of the day does not have anything much to rattle about….fingers are aching to type a few lines.Arrgg I can’t

Help Emily Dickinson..(me and Emily share the same sentiments or so I think—atleast her poem ‘If you were coming in the fall’ does) so I read and read that…

I think im in a state of trance…so let me go to the cafetaria and get my rear in gear.


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