Why Do I Write??

A blog that collects my random thoughts and actions as I negotiate the world of a single woman living alone in a metropolis. I enjoy the aesthetics of quotidian things, and my interests range from sublime to trite. Welcome!!

Monday, April 17, 2006

Random Ramblings

Drum roll, please. How about a trumpet or two? Why, you may ask? Well after two days of constant thinking, I have finally been able to put “my take on life” on paper. I must admit that I was stumped by this question, that initial surprise was soon taken over by this startling revelation about me - Ah! being on the wrong side of 20s I still didn’t have a clue of what I wanted from life!…except for wishful ramblings like -a great companion, a Laddakh trek, a trip to Europe, my own company, a dog called Sushi…blah blah blah. However, is that it? What is the rationale behind it?? What is that underlying thought which was making me believe that these are my happiness pointers …?

Yes, all I want is to be happy. I may have the capacity to seek happiness from within, but that is also derived from the happiness of others. Good thing? Bad thing? I’m not sure. And of course, to be able to love someone, and being loved in return. That is what happiness is for me.

That apart, I also want to be successful. Agreed , that it is a relative term , so what are my parameters of success?? When will I call myself successful?? Probably the day when I’m able to leap out of bed to lay my hands on something which I love to do, something which I believe in and I’m good at. Something whose existence is more pertinent than mine! Big words- they might be, but the day I get this feeling from inside, I’ll know that I’ve arrived.

So what do I plan to do –apart from nurturing and rearing a ‘happy family’..maybe searching for that novel hiding deep inside me and just writing it? Whether it is in the form of poetry, short stories or a novel or novella, commercial venture or a non-commercial project…I’m yet not sure what , but I always held that I would write whether I was “successful” or not, so what is the point of having these business goals or money or a “readership?” My goal is simply to put together a story, put it down on paper and then polish it till I’m satisfied.

Ouch! I shall stop with my musings, and for those who are still wondering what ‘my take on life is’, it’s right there …somewhere over the rainbow……


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