Why Do I Write??

A blog that collects my random thoughts and actions as I negotiate the world of a single woman living alone in a metropolis. I enjoy the aesthetics of quotidian things, and my interests range from sublime to trite. Welcome!!

Friday, April 14, 2006

A Sloth at Work

Some people pronounce “sloth” to rhyme with “broth” and “cloth”. I pronounce it as “slow-th”.Geddit? Slow+th=the quality of being slow. Sitting in my hospital bed I have all reasons to just lie down and have a little snooze. But no-I’m not a living sleeping definition of that single syllabic five letter word, but I belong to that little known branch of the human family –which is called …err…uhm…there’s probably an excellent name to it but I can’t bother to work that out, I’d rather utilize that time watching some more intresting facts of life. Exactly! that’s what I do, I keep watching the general public in action, while I may come across as slow, sleepy, lazy and slovenly in one’s habits, my mind keeps ticking violently absorbing all little details about life and its quirky ways…that’s scene 1 Act 1 ha! Scene 1 Act 2 unfolds with my friends arrival and I become a gossipy gossipmonger myself …but I’d talk about MY quirks later…it’s time to utilize today’s opportunity to delve into the inner workings of a human mind, but I do realize that that’s not a one –day job. A year wouldn’t be enough time.

Without further ado, I set my eyes on the hospital crowd. Being in Panchsheel- which is a fairly upmarket area almost all the patients belonged to the glitterati and chatterati of Delhi (or atleast they made sure that they looked like one) …well, ample cleaveage ensured that or this is what most women think! Result –even the docs. seemed to be talking to the breasts instead of women themselves. I’m still not sure why men do it, atleast the doctors of this specific clinic should have been used to it by now, but men will be men - maybe by talking to breasts they feel that they are paying a compliment..a sorry sight. All I can say is well packaged goods are way ahead. Can’t have a man to comment on it –but I would still wish to know the answer.

next patient was a heavily pregnant lady who came in with her husband in tow…did I mention with a chihuahua in arms. O’my’god her public display of affection towards her pet was more appalling than appealing.Poor dog!

Since I was in the lab area taking blood tests I was already feeling kinda giddy—but nothing compared to the guy who fainted just looking at the syringe full of blood sucked from his body!! Imagine us..having to loose half a bucket of blood every fourth week and still keep smiling as the stayfree commercial woman. Can anyone still dare to call us the weaker sex??!!

Now time for some evesdropping…I saw two women meeting after a long time (I guessed it by just watching the way they exchanged pleasantries) and after five minutes of animated conversation they find out that they both have a common friend in neighborhood. This piece of information was enough to bond them together, and they start off as “Did you know that Shalini just had an abortion and then she was dumped by that godawful man who has a tattoo on his behind? Imagine that…and did you know that……blah blah blah”. Now, that’s what’s called female bonding, and of course they don’t need beer sessions to do that for them…it’s that infamous bitching session.
Enough of it !! the world is full of puppet-like characters whose antics provide marvelous insight into the irrationality of human behavior.Take a closer look and you’ll find an important moral lurking in there somwhere!! But you’ll have to find it yourself, coz I need to …zzz….


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