Why Do I Write??

A blog that collects my random thoughts and actions as I negotiate the world of a single woman living alone in a metropolis. I enjoy the aesthetics of quotidian things, and my interests range from sublime to trite. Welcome!!

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Sunday Revelations

I often wonder why we find some people more special than others? This is a question I have been pondering upon lately. Think of all the people we never meet. Think of all the people who slip by us without us noticing. And of those people who brush against us in this abrupt and accelerated walk of life, why do we like some, accede of others and ignore the rest? This is one of the most beautiful unsolved mysteries that the universe has to offer. Is it something coded into us? I believe in destiny, although I reject the notion of pre-destined living. There is no romance in such a thing. I want to cherish the universe I cannot comprehend, a universe which kisses me, winks at me, fills my life with with breathtaking moments that beautify and enrich my life. I try very hard to look and listen. I hope I’m blessed.


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