Why Do I Write??

A blog that collects my random thoughts and actions as I negotiate the world of a single woman living alone in a metropolis. I enjoy the aesthetics of quotidian things, and my interests range from sublime to trite. Welcome!!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

My New Year's Eve!

New Year's is a deceptively boring holiday. A day when you take a retrospective view of a year gone by and look at the year which is approaching with a faint anticipation. Few may love to debate that it's a good time for stock-taking or for self-appraisal, and there may be times when you may fall trap to it and almost begin agreeing to what the preachers say. But wait!! Where did the fun go missing?? I agree that our generation bears a tremendous burden. When there is an opportunity to have fun, we have no excuse for not doing so. I say so as unlike most people my age, I decided to defy the norms this new year's eve and went the thinking way, albeit unsurely.

Me and my best friend decided to have a rendezvous with horror movies that fateful night. Curling up with a hot cuppa cocoa and choicest of delectable is indeed bliss at best, and I can't deny that we loved every moment of it, but we did reach an 'I wish!' state even before the clock struck 12. Now when I look back, I see it with a slight twinge of regret. God! Why did we have to sit at home like old cronies? Aren't we young enough to act spontaneous and crazy, and too old to need permission? The rest of society has either an absence or excess of youth, and we owe it to them to have a good time. I just didn't avail the opportunity when my time came.

Now that all is done, I pacify myself with the thought that we belong to that group of people who look forward to the ritual of the whole thing, it is precisely this ritual that stops it from ever being truly memorable. At least my non-celebrating the occasion is an re-current episode in itself , did I mention this—that night we also polished off half a chocolate cake among the two of us…Ahem!it's nirvana. I take heart in the fact that, since all of the countdowns and party horns eventually fade into a generic blur of slightly exaggerated smiles captured in pre-hangover Polaroids. Atleast I celebrated my new years with a difference and you know it!


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